The Rubrics Cube

Rubrics Cube

Rubrics ((What is a rubric? Rubrics are instructions and rules (laws really) that are inserted into the Breviary and Missal to guide bishops, priests or deacons in the Eucharistic liturgy, the administration of sacraments and sacramentals, and the preaching of the Word of God. Literally rubrica means red earth, specifically it is that red earth … Read more

Transfiguration Cloud

The Transfiguration (top portion), Raffaello Sanzio 1516- 1520

So I think that this idea has merit… that the Apostles bore and raised the Church as Mary bore and raised Jesus. That brings up the question, when was the Church conceived rather than born or instituted (Jesus instituted the Church at His Ascension Mat 28:18-20)? It may be that the Church was announced at the Transfiguration, conceived at the Last Supper, labored for at the Crucifixion and born at the Resurrection. Indeed, as scripture says, this child was born quickly[…]

The Father’s Workshop

Holy Family in the Workhop

At once I am aware that the workshop is Joseph’s but also metaphorically the workshop of the Father in heaven. We get there instantly, and the Child Jesus explains, “We build many things here, my father and I.” I am aware that this means also that He and His Devine Father made all things. I notice a stain on a length of wood and Jesus responds, “Yes, it is my blood.[…]

The Delighful Wound

Sr. Mary of St. Peter

But this wound is different than the ordinary kind. It is a sign of contradiction in every sense of the phrase. First, it is a contradiction in the way that the cross of the crucifix is visually a contradiction, having a horizontal line that intersects a vertical line. The moment that the phrase “delightful wound” crosses the mind it intersects the heart with the enigmatic question, “what (or who) is this?” Second[…]