Communion Peek-a-boo

holy_eucharist1This whole interaction between God and Man, throughout all of scripture, with God walking with Adam in the garden in Eden, with God speaking to Moses through a burning bush, with God’s power present in to the Israelites in a pillar of fire and smoke, with God speaking like a whisper in the wind to Elijah, seems like a father playing peek-a-boo with a child.  Look at the delight of a baby or small child when you cover their eyes or yours asking, “Where’s daddy?”, then uncovering them and exclaiming “here’s daddy.”  The child quickly learns that this whole act of covering and uncovering is called Peek-a-boo, when you switch from saying, “where’s daddy – here’s daddy“, to saying simply “peek-a-boo”.  In this playful interaction parents teach their children motor skills and reinforce the parent’s identity through “face time”.  By that I mean, time spent looking at eachother, is time spent bonding.  This is a perfect example of what happens at Holy Communion.  God has externally covered His entire Self with the appearances of bread and wine so that, consuming Him, we may internaly discover His entire Self.  The entire Mass, and especially Communion can then be understood to be a bonding moment with Christ; face-time between God and His children.  Let us delight in Him!


I’m working on a book that covers the above material more fully.  Let me know if you find it interesting.

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