Ram in the Thicket – Genesis 22:13

Genesis 22, also known as the Testing of Abraham, gives us great foreshadowing of Jesus in the obedient son Isaac. Although there is a point where Abraham’s “only son” is spared and God the Father’s only begotten Son is not, the foreshadowing of Jesus continues by shifting to the ram caught in the thicket. The … Read more

Catholic Celiac Conundrum

Low Gluten Catholic Hosts for gluten intolerant communicants

The present cannon law permits the reception of Holy Communion under both species or by bread species alone and also the wine species alone where necessary… The main concern for most Catholic Celiacs receiving the wine species only is to be sure to receive from a cup that has not been commingled with the bread species, either directly by the priest through intentional rite of commingling (Commixtion), intinction (not in ordinary practice today), or indirectly by the laity who receiving both species unintentionally transfer crumbs or residue.[…]

Faith a Chair and a Leap

Leap of Faith from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Modernists say that faith is a foolish blind leap but theologians say that faith is a contemplated and certain leap. We both agree that faith is a leap but we disagree that faith is blind and foolish. Consider a man sitting in a chair. He is certain that the chair is[…]